Pound a Possum – FAQ

Pound a Possum – FAQ

Here are Frequently Asked Questions we get asked about the Pound a Possum Project

  1. What will it cost as a householder? Are the traps free?

The Predator Free Waitakere Township group will supply a trap for a gold coin donation. We purchase traps from funding and donations from the public.

  1. What does bait cost? is it supplied or do I need to buy; how much?

You’ll be responsible for the bait. Common pantry items Apples and Carrots work well.

  1. What is my time commitment? How often should I check my trap?

Check the trap as often as you like, but at least once a week. Dead Possums get a bit stinky after a few days! Thirty seconds to bait and set; plus the walk from your back door to wherever you’re placing it.

  1. Is it icky? What do I do with the dead ones? Should I wear gloves?

It’s generally a clean kill across the back of the neck, so no blood and guts – or even broken skin. We recommend you remove the possum with Rubber Gloves on. You can wrap up the possum in Newspaper and put it into the rubbish bin, or bury them under a tree that has been damaged by possums.

  1. How safe is it for me and my children and pets?

These traps are pretty basic, just take care and you’ll be fine. The traps are located in plastic boxes. The traps don’t use toxins, so there’s no risk of poisoning. If you are unsure how to set the trap, please watch this VIDEO.

If you are worried about other animals, unset the trap every morning and set it at Dusk.

  1. How effective is it? Where is the best place to put them?

One trap per property is a good start, and we’re aiming for about trap in one in five backyards. Put your trap somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded to check. Possum are love fruit trees, so put in under one that is being damaged by Possums.

  1. Should we log catches anywhere?

Whenever you catch something, PLEASE log it on trap.nz HERE. This tells us What you caught, Where and When. We’ll take a baseline of data in the first year; and compare year on year. When zero catches are reported over an extended period, we can use chew cards to survey predator numbers.

  1. Great! How do I sign-up?

Go to the “Pound a Possum” page on our website, HERE and scroll down to the “Next steps” section. Join trap.nz and Fill out the Form.

And check out the Predator Free Waitakere Township Facebook group: HERE