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Category: General Native Birds, Native plants & Trapping Workshop

Native Birds, Native plants & Trapping Workshop

September 29, 2022

How to attract birds into your garden and build suitable habitat by planting trees and shrubs and controlling weeds
  • Greg Hoskins a career bio-security officer and active trapper will host this workshop together with Chris Bindon from Auckland Council's Conservation Division.
  • Local Trappers from Waitakere will be on hand to offer tips and tricks for predator control and trap advice.
  • Subsidised (half price retail) traps and tools will be for sale
  • Native plants will also be for sale at discounted prices

We will also been selling traps on the night, if you want to secure a trap, please purchase the ticket that has the trap you would like to get.

We are also providing a workshop only ticket which is FREE!!!

(Please get your ticket in advance so we can manage RSVP numbers)

Here are the details of the tickets

  1. Timms Possum Trap plus workshop: $35 (minimum cost $60 online)
  2. Flipping Timmy Possum Trap plus workshop $40 (minimum cost $70 online)
  3. Rat Trap Kit: H3.2 wood tunnel, victor professional trap and nut butter lure: $30 (worth $65 retail)
  4. Workshop Ticket: Free

(Please get your ticket in advance so we can manage RSVP numbers)

Waitakere R.S.A
39 Township Road, Auckland, Auckland 0614
Auckland, Auckland 0614

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